Under the initiative of Skat and SBA (Sustainable Business Associates), an E-learning Course on Network Management was developed based on conceptual and methodological understandings of network management following the scheme of the guide “Work the Net” compiled by Skat in 2006. The main goal of the course is to build on the conceptual and methodological understanding of network management by using different theoretical and practical e-learning tools.
Project Period:
Services Provided:
Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Development
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Bertha Camacho
Name of Partner Organisation(s):
Sustainable Building Associates
Description of the Project:
Using an interactive e-learning platform, the course was offered in spring and fall, 2009. Network practitioners from different countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America joined the course, representing a wide range of organisations: UNICEF, UNEP, World Vision Switzerland, NAFTAL, CREPA, Hydrophil consulting and knowledge, Water for All, GTZ, LEDNA and ASEAN, the latter being financially supported by SDC. The course lasted 10 weeks, representing a minimum total workload of 60 to 80 hours per participant.
The main topics of the course were Network Governance and Structure, Network Management, Communication Strategy in Networks and Operational Network Planning. Different e-learning tools were used such as on-line theoretical inputs, guided chat sessions, forum discussions, case studies, and on-line practical exercises. Participants were required to have a good Internet connection and e-mail access. The course was moderated by a technical tutor (Skat), who is an expert on the topic of “Network Management” and an administrative tutor (sba), who was in charge of the administrative follow-up of the participants in a systematic manner.
Follow-up mechanisms were applied to monitor working time and a successful completion of assignments. The course material was uploaded in electronic format on the platform, and a documented bibliography on each subject and a glossary were also provided. At the end of the course, in order to have a relevant outcome, participants were encouraged to prepare a final report applying the skills and concepts learned in their networks or organisations.