Energising Development Program EnDev is a 290 million Euro multi-donor program (start 2005) with currently about 18 million beneficiaries in 31 projects in 26 countries. The projects concern the support to improved cooking systems, off-grid solar technologies (SHS, pico PV), mini-grids (solar/hybrid or hydropower), grid extension and biogas. The review follows the OECD DAC criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability) including a) whether EnDev is on track regarding its objectives and attained results and b) how to further develop the programme (strategic development, design of follow-on measures)
Project Period:
Oct 2017 – Apr 2018
Services Provided:
External evaluation of conceptual, content and organisational aspects (2013-2017) by analysing relevance, performance, structures, alignments, and management of the programme; options to further improve EnDev’s strategy and implementation
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Dr. Hedi Feibel: project manager; energy and evaluation expert
Bertha Camacho: monitoring and evaluation expert
Eric Kamphuis: evaluation, policy and energy expert
Name of Client:
GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Description of the Project:
Services provided by Skat: 1) review progress against objectives, 2) assess strengths & weaknesses, compile lessons learned, give recommendations, 3) assess added value for donors, for international initiatives in support of Agenda 2030 & Paris Agreement, as well as partner countries, 4) assess to which extent EnDev influenced transformational changes in partner countries and in the global energy access agenda and 5) develop options for EnDev’s strategy towards universal energy access, the national & global energy transformation(s), and social and economic development of its target groups.
Objective: assessment of the development effectiveness of EnDev, promotion of learning, contribution to reporting and accountability vis-à-vis the donors, promotion of transparency and publication of key evaluation findings, provision of a basis for planning of follow-on measures.
Activities: Analysis of existing reports, discussions during a Governing Board Meeting (Nov 2017), online survey among implementing partners and 21 comprehensive stakeholder phone interviews with donor agencies, current partners, selected implementing partners, energypedia staff as well as the managing organisations GIZ and RVO and finally compilation of a comprehensive evaluation report.
Results: The results of the in-depth review of the programme are available to the management and the Governing Board for decision making and development of a future strategy for more impact.