Myanmar as one of the least developed countries in SE Asia and a rural electrification rate of 20% adapted a National Electrification Project (NEP) in 2015 which outlines extension of the national grid, solar home systems and mini-grids (PV, mini hydro MHP, biogas and hybrid). The project proposals received as response to the various calls is slowly improving. Feedback of the (local) private sector has indicated that the needs of small-scale hydropower are overlooked and the current Call for Proposal (CfP) mechanism and documents are hindering the development of a sustained mini hydro project pipeline. Since 2016 GIZ provides technical assistance to public and private stakeholders in the context of the NEP. Skat was mandated to analyse and give recommendations on the CfP documentation and to identify technical assistance requirements of the local mini-hydro practitioners.
Project Period:
09.2019 to 11.2019
Services Provided:
Recommendations on improvements to the call for proposals documentation and liaising with local micro-hydropower practitioners to identify core technical assistance requirements
Name of Client(s)
GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Hedi Feibel,as micro and mini hydropower expert; Martin Bölli as support for electro-mechanical aspects
Description of the Project:
Objective: 1) support the improvement of the CfP documentation to finally increase the number of submitted project proposals for hydropower projects and 2) identify core technical assistance requirements of the micro and mini hydropower practitioners.
Services provided by Skat: Review of portions of the CfP documentation relevant for the preparation of MHP proposals. Solicitation of feedback from local stakeholders about weaknesses and shortcomings in the current documents and processes. Formulation of clear, actionable and appropriate recommendations for improvements and of recommendations for longer-term consideration. Facilitation of discussions with private MHP developers (esp. the local association Hydropower for Community Empowerment in Myanmar HYCEM to ascertain technical assistance requirements. Preparation of a concept note outlining capacity building measures for the MHP sector: 1) review of current context, 2) specification and justification of proposed activities, 3) suggestion of a timeline for the relevant stakeholders.
Activities: review of the relevant documents and recommendations on improvements with regard to technical, institutional, operational, legal and financial and economic aspects of the MHP mini-grid projects to be developed; exchange with local project developers on their experience and needs
Results: Improved CfP documents facilitating a straight forward process and ensuring appropriate standards of proposals; knowledge on capacity improvement needs of local private MHP developers.