The various “SEEED (Social Enterprise for Energy, Ecological and Economic Development)” E-Learning modules on different mini-hydropower related topics had been supported by GIZ, by DGRV (German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation as well as Skat Foundation. Each module includes recordings of the live weekly Q&A sessions, pre-recorded video tutorials, supplementary material, and quizzes. The outputs can be accessed by registered training participants via the SEEED E-Learning platform. The modules were used to conduct three online courses. Skat Consulting Ltd. was responsible for the module “Water Resource Assessment” including catchment area mapping, flow and hydrological analysis methods and best practices and pitfalls with examples.
Global – online
Project Period:
Services Provided:
Develop a course module, launch an E-Learning platform, conducting trainings and develop follow up strategies
Name of Client(s)
Energy Action Partners ENACT on behalf of Hydro Empowerment Network HPNET; financed by Skat Foundation, Switzerland
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Hedi Feibel as hydrologist and mini hydropower expert
Description of the Project:
Objective: developing modules on climate resilience and agroecology in hydro mini-grids, launching an E-Learning platform, conducting online courses for multi-actors and field-based sessions for rural communities, and developing a strategy to continue engaging participants of the capacity building activities towards impact-based strategies.
Services provided by Skat: preparation and implementation of a live Q&A Session, preparation of pre-recorded video tutorials and preparation and correction of a quiz.
Activities in particular: development of a content outline and the detailed content of the module (including supplementary material) on the following topics: key hydrological parameters for small-scale hydro planning, «water level» and «runoff» and how are the two interlinked, flow duration curve, estimation methods, determination of design flow (for isolated and grid-connected systems), residual flow, flood flow; preparation of a quiz and feedback round with participants.
Results: about 50 participants (from academia, civil society organisations, funding organisations, governmental organisations, privates, planners, equipment providers etc. from more than 20 countries (mostly sub-Saharan Africa) who completed the module, significantly improve their understanding on the training topics