Increasing the knowledge and understanding of UNICEF staff and project partners on how to support professional water well drilling and developing strategies for UNICEF on equity (leave no-one behind) in accessing drinking water services.
Angola, Burkina Faso, Zambia, Africa, global & Switzerland
Project Period:
Services Provided:
Knowledge Sharing, Networking, Training & Capacity Building
- Project Management, Consultancy
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Kerstin Danert,
Project staff: Martin Läng, Stephanie Theis
Name of Client(s)
Description of the Project:
Developing sustainable water services that rely on boreholes is a highly skilled endevour. To be effective, UNICEF needs to ensure that its partners manage contracts, site boreholes and drill in a professional manner, ideally in the context of an a supporting enabling environment. In many countries, appropriate policies, regulation and capacity to oversee implementation are inappropriate. The previous collaboration between UNICEF, Skat Foundation and WaterAid culminated in the publication of a Guidance Note on Professional Water Well Drilling in 2016. The publication consolidates over a decade of experiences and publications into an easy-to-use manual for UNICEF staff and partners. This project takes the multi-year collaboration between UNICEF, Skat and others forward with:
- Online training course on Professional Water Well Drilling Management in collaboration with Cap-Net;
- Technical assistance to strengthen initiatives that develop capacity for professional drilling in Angola, Burkina Faso and Zambia;
- Sharing experiences between countries on drilling professionalisation and finalisation of a Toolkit on the Planning, Contracting and Management of Borehole Drilling;
- Development of a strategic paper/guidance for UNICEF on no-one left behind in accessing drinking water supplies.