Projects in India
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Decentralized SWM India in Tsunami Affected Areas
India | Waste Management
Providing technical and managerial help to local private service providers for decentralized waste management, capacity building of local officials and monitoring of the services.
Organisation and implementation of thematic international workshops on ISWM title CWG International Workshops on Integrated Waste Management
Burkina Faso | Waste Management
Overall responsibility for the preparation, organisation, implementation, and follow-up of the CWG workshops.
Technical Support Agency for Developing a Solid and Liquid Waste Management Model for Rural Sanitation in Rajasthan
India | Waste Management
Technical Support Agency for Developing a Solid and Liquid Waste Management Model for Rural Sanitation in Rajasthan. Supporting the state and district governments in implementing the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA), a national program of the Government of India to increase access to rural sanitation.
Sustainable Reconstruction Initiative in Tsunami affected villages of Tamil Nadu
India | Building and Settlement
On behalf of the Swiss Red Cross and Swiss Solidarity, Skat provided conceptual and technical backstopping for the design, planning and management of the project and capacity building as well.
Sustainable Reconstruction Initiative in Tsunami affected villages of Karaikal, Pondicherry, India
India | Building and Settlement
The Swiss Red Cross and Swiss Solidarity, in collaboration with the lndian NGO Development Alternatives, took the initiative to reconstruct permanent houses in the Karaikal region, Pondicherry state. Skat provided professional support in its design and planning, including training and capacity building. The project was designed to provide an appropriate response to the reconstruction and rehabilitation needs of 908 families in three villages Karaikalmedu, Kottucherrymedu and Kilinjalmedu.
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