The PSP Hydro project, carried out in the framework of the Energising Development (EnDev) Rwanda programme, aims to provide access to electricity for approximately 20.000 people and to enable small and medium-sized businesses to install and sustainably operate micro hydropower plants. Therefore, the PSP Hydro project supports private firms in the process of constructing and operating micro hydropower plants (through consulting, training as well as limited co-financing).
Project Period:
08.2013 – 12.2013
Services Provided:
Provision of technical advice to the PSP Hydro Team, recommendations on necessary improvements and input to specific questions as required by the team
Name of Client(s)
GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager: Hedi Feibel, hydropower expert and hydrologist; Project Officer: Martin Bölli, hydropower expert for technical design
Description of the Project:
Services provided by Skat: Technical evaluation of feasibility studies for Mashyiga (180 kW), Maruruma (380 kW), Kavumu (380 kW) and other sites in order to provide a basis for approval of co-financing. Provision of technical advice regarding aspects like hydrological analysis, design of civil works and of electro-mechanical equipment, erosion protection, required rehabilitation measures, cost estimates, economic and financial analysis etc. Based on an in-depth analysis of the available information recommendation for improvement are given to the PSP hydro team.
Objective: improve the quality of feasibility studies to facilitate their acceptance by donor agencies and banks and to increase the sustainability of operation and maintenance once the systems are implemented.
Activities: review of documents, photos and other information received from the client and formulation of recommendations for improvement.
Results: better technical standard of feasibility studies to facilitate their bankability