The Service de l’Eau of the city of Lausanne, Switzerland, is in a public-public development partnership with the Communauté Urbaine de Nouakchott (CUN), Mauritania, for the implementation of the Projet Communautaire d’Accès à l’Eau et l’Assainissement (PCAEA) in the Riyadh municipality of the town. The PCAEA aims at an extension of the town’s water network by the 18 km, the construction of standpipes, the connection of 16 schools to the network, the creation of subsidized private connections, awareness rising on hygiene and sanitation, as well as the construction of public sanitation infrastructure in schools and health centres. In addition, Lausanne, through its water department, supports the CUN in an approach of quality and sustainability of the infrastructures already realized within the framework of the partnership. The budget of the Service de l’Eau to achieve its commitment comes from a cent levied per cubic meter of drinking water sold to the citizens of Lausanne and to those of 18 other Swiss municipalities rallied in the project, according to the principle defended by Solidarit’eau Suisse.
Project Period:
01.03.2016 – 28.02.2017
Services Provided:
Name of Staff involved and functions performed:
Project Manager (supervision and counselling services): Roger Schmid (Consultancy)
Project Officer (follow-up and support services): Anne Sophie Aublet (seconded to Service de l’Eau)
Name of Client(s)
Service de l’Eau de la Ville de Lausanne
Description of the Project:
The Solidarity Manager of the Service de l’Eau monitors and steers the PCAEA and the respective public-public development partnership with the CUN from the headquarters in Lausanne, supported by an 80% assistant position. During an extended absence of the Solidarity Manager, Skat Consulting Ltd. provided during 12 months a part-time (40%) water and sanitation specialist to the Service de l’Eau for the ad interim management of the PCAEA in in support of / collaboration with the assistant.
The head office of Skat Consulting Ltd. oversaw the monitoring performance of its professional staff at the Service de l’Eau. This supervision included the coaching of person seconded in its function, the counselling in its daily tasks and the quality control of its performances. Additionally, the head office consultant provided advisory support (e.g. regarding planning and human resources management) for the implementation of the PCAEA provided at the request of the Service de l’Eau.