Feasibility Study for six Mini-Hydropower Projects in Tanzania

Support of 6 MHP project developers in building their capacity to access financing by assisting them with completing comprehensive feasibility studies; combined capacity of about 7.5 MW


Tanzania (Manyara, Iringa, Ruvuma, Mbeya, Kigoma)

Project Period:

Feb.- Dec. 2013

Services Provided:

Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Site investigations, project design
  • cost estimate and risk analysis
  • feasibility reports

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Project Manager and hydrologist: Dr. Hedi Feibel

Electrical Engineer: Martin Bölli

Name of Client:

GVEP International (Global Village Energy Partnership)

Name of Partner Organisation(s):

GOPA-International Energy Consultants GmbH

Entec Consulting & Engineering

Description of the Project:

Improving rural electrification by providing bankable feasibility studies for the 6 selected sites as precondition to get access to financing

Activities: evaluation and assessment of existing studies and preliminary hydrological investigations, site investigations, support to install and operate gauging stations for water level and flow measurement; training of local staff, evaluation of existing information, studies and hydrological and meteorological data and information, determination of flow duration curves, uncertainty analyses risk assessment; calculation of power production, detailed electro-mechanical design and cost estimate for electrical components, including transmission and distribution lines and interconnection points with the TANESCO grid; contribution to feasibility studies.