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Technical Advisory Support to the World Bank in Moldova
Moldova | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Scoping Assignment for Moldova Water Security and Sanitation Project (MWSSP). Consulting Services on Infrastructure Governance Program and Technical Advisory Support
ApaSan+, Integrated water supply and sanitation in Moldovan villages
Moldova | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
The project aims at the following impact, derived from the overall objective of the current Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy of the Republic of Moldova, that the rural population in Moldova residing in the project’s target villages and beyond has sustainable access to safe drinking water and household sanitation.
Repair Facilitation in Ukraine, a humanitarian water and housing infrastructure repair program
Ukraine | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
The REFAUK is a humanitarian aid program in Ukraine aiming to support conflict-affected communities to deal with the repair and upgrading of damaged houses, IDP shelters and water systems.
Integrated Water Resources Management in Kosovo (IWRM-K) Program Phase 2
Kosovo | Enviromental Management and IWRM
Launched in 2019, the Program aims at establishing over the twelve years period a functional framework for the sustainable management, protection, and use of water resources in Kosovo endowed with the necessary institutional capacities and people’s skills.
MĂ IMPLIC (I engage), Project on civic engagement in local governance – Phase 2
Moldova | Governance
Ma Implic (“I engage” in Romanian) is designed as a long-term Programme over three successive implementation phases addressing the major root causes of poor local governance and ultimately fostering social cohesion and promoting social trust. The overall goal of Ma Implic is that the population of Moldova benefits from improved local governance, better access to and quality of public services.
Backstopping support for the SDC’s Peace, Governance and Equality section
Global | Networks and Knowledge Management, Governance
Backstopping support for the SDC’s Peace, Governance and Equality section.
Detailed study for the 240 kW mini hydropower site Sahandaso
Madagascar | Energy and Climate
Elaboration of detailed design (Sahandaso) and update of two feasibility studies (Ivato Centre and Ambatotoa) as sound basis for ADER to attract investors and thus to advance in rural electrification.
SwissEnergy – Newsletter Small Hydropower
Switzerland | Energy and Climate
General information about Small Hydropower in Switzerland, awareness creation about the relevance of the technology, general information on market conditions / regulatory framework for the stakeholders, policy decisions, events etc..
Backstopping of three projects financed under the “Fonds de Contre-Valeur Suisses”
Cameroon | Energy and Climate
Based on an agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the Cameroon Government to subsidise three projects in the fields of renewable energies and private sector promotion: 1) “electrification through a hydro-PV hybrid system”, 2) “water through solar energy”, 3) ”Fresh Irish Potato production, storage, conditioning and marketing”
Micro-Hydropower Documentation Review and Advisory Services for Local Private Sector Stakeholders
Myanmar | Energy and Climate
Myanmar as one of the least developed countries in SE Asia and a rural electrification rate of 20% adapted a National Electrification Project (NEP) in 2015 which outlines extension of the national grid, solar home systems and mini-grids.
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