Desk Study on Framework and Investment Conditions for

                 Small Hydropower (below 10 MW) in Bulgaria, Romania,

                 Slovenia, and Slovakia

Analysing and comparing potentials for small hydropower (below 10 MW) and the respective frame conditions for investment in the four countries.


Romania, Slovakai, Slovenia, Bulgaria

Project Period:

March 2013

Services Provided:

Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Desk Study on options for hydropower development in the four countries

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Project Manager: Dr. Hedi Feibel, : detailed hydrological analysis and risk assessment

Name of Client:

Sol-E Suisse AG

Description of the Project:

Services provided by Skat: analysis and comparative assessment of current electricity supply, role of hydropower, future potential of small hydropower, important stakeholders in the sector, energy policy, legal framework (feed-in tariff systems, quota and green certificates, etc.) and investment support in all 4 countries.

Objective: provide a base of information, a comprehensive analysis and comparison of the status quo in the four countries as a first step in the decision process of the client

Activities: internet research, analysis and structuring of collected information, summarising and comparing of information and formulation of conclusions and recommendations

Results: comprehensive report presenting current electricity supply, role of hydropower, future potential of small hydropower, important stakeholders in the sector, energy policy, legal framework and final comparison and conclusions for the countries Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.