Projects in Switzerland
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Four animated films on professional drilling
Global | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Production of four short animated films (in English and French) to succinctly communicate key aspects of professional borehole siting, procurement, drilling and supervision to managers and field personnel.
Development of a future strategy for the “Swiss Small Hydro” Association
Switzerland | Energy and Climate
Swiss Small Hydro has been founded in 1982 as a lobby organisation for independent small hydropower producers. Given the current policy changes in Switzerland (“Energy Strategy 2050”), the association had to re-consider its general strategy to better address its members’ expectations.
Strengthening UNICEF and Partner Capacity to Raise Professionalism of Drilling and Drilling Management
Angola | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Increasing the knowledge and understanding of UNICEF staff and project partners on how to support professional water well drilling.
Preparation and implementation of a 2-days workshop on operation and management strategies for hydropower systems
Global | Energy and Climate
Detailed survey on operation and management problems of (big) hydropower plants (with reservoirs) in World Bank partner countries (Uganda, Rwanda / Burundi, Sao Tomé, Cameroon, Nepal) to prepare and implement a demand-oriented, strategic “Hydropower O&M Workshop HOW” on behalf of the World Bank Group and SECO.
Study Visit from a Ukrainian Parliamentarian Delegation
Switzerland | Governance
In November 2016, in the framework of the Swiss-Ukrainian Decentralization Support Project (DESPRO) and upon request from the Cooperation Office in Ukraine of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Skat organised a four-day Study Visit of a delegation of parliamentarians and senior government representatives from Ukraine.
Strategic Workshop Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland
Switzerland | Networks and Knowledge Management
Skat was mandated to moderate a one-day workshop for Medicus Mundi Switzerland to define the basis for their strategic planning process.
Supporting SDC’s Learning & Networking team in strengthening and monitoring SDC’s Thematic networks
Switzerland | Networks and Knowledge Management
Skat was requested by the Learning & Networking Team at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to provide methodological and process advice to enhance the work of the SDC Thematic Networks.
Small Hydropower Expertise and Promotion in Switzerland
Switzerland | Energy and Climate
Revision of the Swiss Feed-In Tariffs for Small Hydropower Plants, Publication of a newsletter (3 times a year, in German, Italian and French), Promotion of Pre-Feasibility Studies in Switzerland
Knowledge Management Training and Exposure Visit – DESPRO– Decentralisation Support in Ukraine
Switzerland | Governance
In the frame of the Decentralisation Support Project DESPRO, Skat organised and led a training and exposure visit to Switzerland with the aim of giving partners of DESPRO the opportunity to learn about knowledge management (KM) in the public sector.
Solid Waste Management Study Tour – DESPRO– Decentralisation Support in Ukraine
Switzerland | Governance
In the framework of the Decentralisation Support Project DESPRO, Skat organised and led a Study Tour to Switzerland, Austria and Southern Germany, with the aim of giving partners of DESPRO from Ukraine the opportunity to learn about expertise on efficient and effective solid waste management systems.
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